We are dedicated to helping local families in need through education, referrals, and financial assistance. 


Our story

Founded in 2015 by Atlanta native Sonyetta Lynn Valentine, our mission is to help local families in need survive and thrive during times of hardship. After experiencing a challenging period in her own life that required her to start over multiple times–financially, emotionally, and spiritually, Sonyetta became inspired to turn her own triumphs into an organization that might help others do the same. She decided to pass along her experience and key resources to those in need, hoping to encourage her clients to also pay it forward.

When I called SRL in Nov 2016 I was in a shelter with my kids. I had given up hope of us having our own place again and really gave up on life. It wasn’t until I received a referral from SRL for the rapid re-housing program that I thought my family would make it. SRL is truly a blessing to our community!
— Kiana Fuller, SRL client
Calling SRL was probably the best thing I could have done in January 2017. They not only helped me with my first Rent but I was able to receive two more months of assistance with their referral. I am now doing great and I owe it all to SRL!
— Jessica Dance

the team

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Sonyetta Lynn Valentine, Founder & CEO


Brittany Buggs, Outreach Coordinator

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Cynthia Hughes, Co-Director and Client Case Manager

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Mutima Jackson-Anderson, Health & Wellness Coordinator